News Why a MazzeiHub blog?

coronaHub-02The blog has become the most agile and efficient instrument of the web to provide information, propose ideas and open debates in a community of people who share interests even while maintaining different opinions.
MazzeiHub uses this blog for information and ideas regarding the complex world of communication of interests to public opinion and institutions, and defence and promotion of interests to the pubic deciders and all those who gravitate towards the topics which concern companies and associations.
For a company like MazzeiHub which operates in delicate and complex sectors it is very important to make our experience available to the public, discuss these subjects and confront a vast public for the following reasons:


  1. These topics are discussed little and badly, almost always with negative prejudice and common positions with regard to lobbying;
  2. It is necessary to develop a modern mass culture in communication and transparent lobbying to grow a form of widespread democracy which knows how to represent its own interests correctly and in daylight;
  3. It is necessary to stimulate companies, associations and their directors not to undervalue the importance of communication and the action of transparent lobbying, because it is about strategic activity for entrepreneurial, commercial and company life;
  4. In a phase in which politics is called to renew itself radically, it is indispensable that among the topics of the agenda of Italy’s new managing class are those of communication and the representation of interests, understood as the bricks with which to construct the common good;
  5. All of Italy must learn to communicate itself and its interests better, to lobby transparently in all European and international sectors to defend and promote what Italian workers, producers and entrepreneurs know how to do better than anyone else.

This blog is open to all, not only to specialists and enthusiasts of communication and transparent lobbying, but also to citizens interested in these subjects.
The MazzeiHub blog is a sort of agora, a democratic, apolitical square, in which all voices have the right of speech on the basis of the democratic principles of an open society: dialogue, respect for those with different opinions, the right to criticise but not to offend and, possibly, constructive rather than destructive attitudes.
Ideas, reflections and new proposals are needed.
Thanks to those who want to participate.

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